

俚语 iced brownie

Iced Brownie

When you and a chick are 69ing and she shits in your mouth and you spit it on her back and then cum on it.
I was fucking a chick and I made an iced brownie on her back and she ate it.

Iced Brownie

The girl proceeds to take a bite out of a luciouse brown turd, as you are blowing a load of cum in her face!
My girlfriend was hungry so I gave her an Iced Brownie.

ice brownies

To diarrhea in a ice tray, freeze them and put them in a drink (best with hot chocolate, let them melt :D)
Alex: "Max lets put the ice brownies in Jakes hot chocolate"
Max: "Lets do it"

Ice Brownie

The act of snorting crystal meth out of a hooker's butthole.
Man, I could really go for an extra gooey ice brownie tonight in the red light district.

Icing the brownies

-phrase used to describe the act of defecation and release of ejaculate on to said defecation (shitting a pile and jerking one out to top it off)
What is taking you so long in the bathroom? You've been in there over an hour! Are you icing the brownies?

icing a brownie

After partaking in sexual acts one splurges on an African American woman
Hey DeQuarius, I was with your mom last night, we were icing a brownie.

Ice the brownie

When you masturbate while or right after taking a shit and then ejaculate on the steamy floater.
Anthony- "Hey John what's taking so long in there?"

John- "I gotta ice the brownie hold up."




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