

俚语 ideating


The process of meditating and thinking of new ideas.
Leave me alone, I'm ideating.


1.) Pertaining to the world of ideas.

2.) Creative, imaginative.
I could not sleep last night. I was filled with ideatic energy.


A person who creates productive ideas, a conceptualist.A person that processes and passes on their ideas and inventions to others to help sell or publisize a commodity. A solutions person, problem solver, think tank.
"We should hire her, shes a great ideator."

"We need an ideator to come up with a concept for this job".


Having already consumed a food item or meal.
Joe: Hey, Jim, we're going to Taco Bell, do you want to join?
Jim: Nah, man. Ideate.


The process of a group of guys brainstorming on where to go to meet hot chicks. The process of ideating will help you and your boys from going to a bar with no chicks, or worse, a bar full of donkeys.
Max: Hey bro, where should we go tonight?
Dan: I don't know, we should have an ideation session before we head out so we don't drive around all fucking night looking


The process by which an individual creates a new idea. Ideation is also a collaborative process which can involve multiple individuals who can build upon each other’s ideas. It is a process which depends on creativity, innovation, improvisation, and effective communication.
Nikola Tesla’s inventions were a result of his ideation.

Genocidal Ideation

Thinking of committing genocide
Adolf Hitler must’ve had so much genocidal ideation to kill that many people in the Holocaust




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