A rather deep hole
Verb - to park one's vehicle a reasonable distance away from a party that will most likely be blocked by the cops.
"Hey man, are we applecrossin' it tonight?"
"Hell yeah, when the cops show up they're gonna block the street for sure."
"Hell yeah, when the cops show up they're gonna block the street for sure."
Applecross is the closest place to paradise imaginable. Go there (the North West Highlands of Scotland ) but go there quietly.The fix will last you a lifetime and you will tell all who will listen to follow in your footsteps
Applecross is the place where time stands still
Applecross boy
An Applecross boy is a male that attends Applecross senior high school. They physically and mentally abuse women and take drugs because they think it’s ‘cool’. They bully many students and their goals in life is to make other people feel like shit.
Why is he so mean to that girl over there?
Oh he’s just an applecross boy
Oh he’s just an applecross boy
Applecross Slut
A girl that attends apple cross senior high and gains attention due to levels of whore.
Guy 1: Look at her, why is her skirt so high?
guy 2: She deffos an applecross slut
guy 2: She deffos an applecross slut
Applecross Senior High School
Applecross Senior High School is a school that pretends to a private school but in truth that is full of weed head students. The kids are so rich that the spend all their money on weed. The school won’t hold back from causing insanity. Applecross is know around Perth for it’s weed.
Person 1 ”Where is your dealer from?”
Person 2 “Oh Applecross Senior High School”
Person 2 “Oh Applecross Senior High School”