

俚语 idongesitabasi


Idongesitabasi is a beautiful African woman most likely to be from a beautiful state, Akwa Ibom in Nigeria. The name means Comfort of God and is possessed by a black, beautiful and bold person. She is incredibly dedicated to everything she does, isn't afraid to lead a crowd and take charge, she thinks of others before herself which often leads her to being taken for granted but that never stops her. She's very driven and has a great passion for whatever she does especially anything involving family and her business. It's so hard not to love her because she's incredibly charismatic but sometimes reserved, she absolutely loves love and sometimes covers her sadness by posting memes and making jokes out of her misery. Idongesitabasi is a great friend to have and has your back no matter what but is never afraid to call anyone out on their bullshit. She is sometimes bossy and sarcastic but that's only when she is taken for granted or gets upset. She is very attractive physically and more than beautiful on the inside. Find you and Idongesitabasi today.
Omg, don't tell me Idongesitabasi is your girlfriend, you're so lucky.
I wish my name was Idongesitabasi cis that's such a beautiful name.




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更新时间:2024/6/3 12:05:25