I don't want no trouble
A term first used by Jackie Chan. It is often used by Asians--particularly Chinese--when in danger...or trouble.
Though, the expression often leads to a worse beat-down.
Pronounced like so: "I don't wont no trobble."
Though, the expression often leads to a worse beat-down.
Pronounced like so: "I don't wont no trobble."
"What's up, my nigger?"
"What did you just say?"
"What's up, my nigger?"
"Come here! You better watch your mouth!"
"-What you say, boy?"
"I don't want no trouble."
-Rush Hour
"What did you just say?"
"What's up, my nigger?"
"Come here! You better watch your mouth!"
"-What you say, boy?"
"I don't want no trouble."
-Rush Hour