

俚语 ignoe


To not pay attention to.
Injunwal invented the word ignoe on this 9th day of June, 2004. From now on I will ignoe any new words he comes up with.


Ignorant, in the Irish sense/usage: disgusting, horrible, mean, ugly, unwanted, repulsive.
That movie was igno.
I just finished the most igno exam ever.
Don't put your tongue there; it's igno.


Ignoramous, idiot, dolt. A person incapable of anticipating the disastrous results of their previous step.
You are SUCH an igno.


Ignorent (ignet) & Ghetto
A word made up by a clique in Chicago by the name of Igno whose colors are mainly blue & black. Also their head members nicknames are Tweety, Holla, & Sweet.
1. God your dumb ass is so damn igno.
2. (Can Be Chanted By Clique) IGNO!!!


Pronunciation: \\ˈig-no - rant-er\\

irrational, narrow minded individual given to spouting misinformation and dangerous, disruptive lies LOUDLY out of fear or in defense of their prejudices and selfish interests.

plural: igno-ranti
Turn that igno-ranter on the radio OFF.

Igno Tevas

Someone who never writes a 10, only 9
Person 1: "Bro I got a 9 when I deserved a 10."
Person 2: "Igno Tevas?"


A noisy, ill-informed and unsophisticated declamation coupled with a lack of credibility and should never be taken serious.
The recent conservative tea parties to protest taxes are merely an attempt a collective igno-rant by a bunch of whinny little cry babies.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:24:24