

俚语 apple sour

Apple Sour

Persons that refuse to acknowledge the superior nature of Apple devices, especially iPhones. The resulting "iFeriority Complex" manifests itself in a slew of anti-iPhone Urban Dictionary definitions, snide comments at parties, and delusional claims that Steve Jobs can't get laid. iRonically, it's often the Sour Apple that asks you to look directions up on your iPhone because it's easier, while at the same time touting the professionality of the Blackberry.
I sent an emoticon to Ricky's phone, forgetting he has a Blackberry. When it failed to show up, he gave me this long speech about how we don't need all that shizz on a phone, anyways. Different story altogether when I Shazzamed a song he liked. What an Apple Sour.

sour apple

a type of weed people smoke that is illl.

apparently they want me to write more.. but theres nothing more to know other than that it's pot.
we smokin that sour apple all night

sour apple

1. Best tasting pussy
2. Pussy that taste like candy.
3. Pussy you want to eat ALL the time
Damn, I ate this girl out and she was tasting like sour apples. Yum!

I got a sweet tooth for a sour apple.

sour apple

when a girl dosen't cleen her self her pussy may smell verry faul
kate has a sour apple

sour apple quickstep

Delightful euphamism for diarrhoea
'Your wife is taking rather a long time in the powder room.'
'Yes I'm afraid she's dancing the sour apple quickstep tonight'

Sour Apple Smoothie

When eating out a girl with Syphilis, she queefs and a green liquid comes out of her vagina and goes into your mouth. Since this is extremely disgusting you puke all over her vagina, yet continue to eat.
I went to your mom's house to get a Sour Apple Smoothie

sour apple splatter

Shit stuck to the back of the toilet, under the seat. While taking a dump, perferably with explosive diarrhea, lean forward and push hard so it sprays all over the back of the toilet bowl. It usually sticks even after flushing, requiring the toilet owner to scrub it off.
Keith was pissed off when saw the sour apple splatter Curtis left in his toilet.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:29:25