

俚语 i gotta go

I gotta go

Excuse me, but if I don't get to the restroom, there's going to be a mess.
See shit happens.

Woodjoo move? I gotta go!

I gotta go

The Sunday School incarnation of the universal religious concept of shit happens.
See shit happens for some of the other denominational incarnations of shit happens.

I gotta go

Phrase stated when person #1 is bored/unfascinated with person #2 and wants to get on with their life.

Often stated as "I gtg."
Person #1- Hey do you wanna go to Linda's party tomorrow night? It'll be really fun and a lot of our friends are gonna come.
Person #2- k
Person #1- I gtg.

Person #1-Blah, blah blah, my friend, blah, so much fun, blah, lol
Person #2- I gotta go.

dang! i gotta go!

Exclamation, point where you realize that you might not make it to the restroom.
mandy cried "dang, i gotta go" just before the pee started flowing down her legs.

dang! i gotta go!

you have to use the bathroom really bad and if u dont find one soon ur gonna pee yourself
girl 1- hey
girl 2- dang! i gotta go!

i gotta go eat an apple.

a dickhead way of saying your busy or don't want to do something
person 1:you wanna help me shingle my house

person 2:no, "i gotta go eat an apple."

i gotta go see a man about a dog

I have some things to do which are totally none of your business. EG. Drug Deal, Sex with someone we both know, Family Issue
Person 1: " So where you off to?"

Person 2: " I gotta go see a man about a dog"

Person 1: ( sits there silently knowing that they are unimportant enough to be told anything by anyone )




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