

俚语 apple splatter

apple splatter

When u shit fucken everywhere
I was running to the bathroom but got Apple splatter on the wall.

green apple splatters

A case of acute diarrhea, usually of an explosive nature. Often accompanied by a burning sensation. If the proper facilities are not reached in time, the feces could exit the body in a random pattern, hence the name.
"Dude, I was at the park the other day after I ate a bowl of my dad's chilli and I didn't make it to the toilet in time. Green apple splatters, it looked like thanksgiving in a retirment home."

Green Apple Splatter

diarrhea, cant get any simpler than that.
Guy #1 - Omg dude i gotta go to the bathroom!

Guy #2 - Whats wrong with him

Guy #3 - Hees got the Green Apple Splatter

green apple splatter

having explosive diarrhea
after that munging trip we took i had a horrible case of the green apple splatters

sour apple splatter

Shit stuck to the back of the toilet, under the seat. While taking a dump, perferably with explosive diarrhea, lean forward and push hard so it sprays all over the back of the toilet bowl. It usually sticks even after flushing, requiring the toilet owner to scrub it off.
Keith was pissed off when saw the sour apple splatter Curtis left in his toilet.

Brown Apple Splatters

Diarrhea that's a mixture of smalls turds, brown mop water, and porridge shit. Often classified as a war crime or an offense against nature.. or both.
Lets hurry this up, I have the brown apple splatters and need to get home.

green apple splatters

the runs
Man I got the green apple splatters, (insert profanity here)




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