

俚语 igysgghdhb


Used as a shorthand acronym when conveying the belief that an idea or situation encountered is not novel or original, but has already been done or carried out before. Can be used as a verb or a noun, depending on the sentence.
Derived from the elegant Diennerian language, "I guarantee you some gay guy has douched his bunghole".
speaker 1:"I heard a new band that rocks!"
speaker 2: (having heard of them years earlier) They're a little IGYSGGHDHB, don't you think?"
"This may be IGYSGGHDHB, but I am dying for Red Lobster tonight for dinner".
or simply
"IGYSGGHDHB", for literal use.


Used as an acronym when conveying the belief that an idea or situation encountered is not novel or original, but has already been done or carried out before, like "old news". Anything crazy thing you could imagine has already been done. Literal meaning: "I Guarantee You Some Gay Guy Has Douched His Bunghole".
speaker 1:"I heard a new band that rocks!"
speaker 2: (having heard of them years earlier) They're a little IGYSGGHDHB, don't you think?"
"This may be IGYSGGHDHB, but I am dying for Red Lobster tonight for dinner".
or simply
"IGYSGGHDHB", for literal use.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:10:03