

俚语 appletard


Refers to an overly uncritical devotee of Apple culture, or iLife. Synonym: iTard.
Some Appletards even began lining up outside stores for the iPhone a week before its realease.


The losers that choose to stand in line for hours at an Apple store any time Apple releases something new.
That Appletard has been in line since 4pm yesterday to get the new iPhone.


An individual whoe entire life is devoted to - indeed defined by - the existence of Apple products
ZOMG, crApple just released a new iPhone/iPad/iPod/iCar/iShoe/iChair that is slightly different to the model I already own - let's all go an queue up for four days just to be the first to own it!!!

Shut the fuck up, you Appletard


1. The exact opposite of an Apple "Genius".
2. Anyone who works for Apple corp.
3. Anyone who uses an Apple product and believes they are safe from google snooping and tracking.
Why is the function to add a bookmark NOT under the book icon? Why is it in the share folder next to texting? Fucking Appletards!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:07:54