

俚语 i-jacking


The crime of stealing electronic music players and/or other electronic media. Derived from the surge of I-Pod related thefts in recent years.
I was the victim of an i-jacking when my MP3 player was stolen from my car.


The stealing of an I-Pod.
Someone is i-jacking I-pod's.


When somebody joins your conversation and changes it to make it completely about them.
I was talking to Holly at the party the other night and then Nicole totally came and started I-jacking.


To have one's Identity stolen, as in hijacked.
I paid for my 3 rolled taco combo with my credit card, and the cashier stole my credit card number and I-jacked my identity.


When someone control-freakishly brings their i-pod to the party and takes over.
We were listening to K&D when Igor totally i-jacked our air buzz and played Maroon 5 all night.

I am Jack's

All of the "I am Jack's" lines from the film Fight Club
Articles that the unnamed narrator discovers:

I Am Jack's Medulla Oblongata
I Am Jill's Nipple
I Am Jack's Colon

Variations that the unnamed narrator creates:

I Am Jack's Raging Bile Duct
I Am Jack's Cold Sweat
I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise
I Am Jack's Inflamed Sense of Rejection
I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge
I Am Jack's Broken Heart

I am Jack's

These are the original "I am Jack's" from Fight Club

I am Jack's Raging Bile Duct.
I am Jack's Cold Sweat.
I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise
I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge.
I Am Jack's Broken Heart




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:47:52