Wait I think I know who joe is
“Wait I think I know who joe is” is a random joke used during…. Idk….
Person 1: Wait I think I know who joe is
Person 2: who is joe… wait OH NO
person 1: joe mama
Person 3 wait I figured out who joe is.
Person 4: joe mama
Person 3: no it’s joe Biden
Person 4: oh-
Person 3: joe Biden deez nutz
Person 2: who is joe… wait OH NO
person 1: joe mama
Person 3 wait I figured out who joe is.
Person 4: joe mama
Person 3: no it’s joe Biden
Person 4: oh-
Person 3: joe Biden deez nutz
I Know Joe
A random shirt worn by a waitress at a Mexican restaurant. You look it up on Urban Dictionary, but they don’t have it. You proceed to make a definition about how you saw the slogan on a waitresses shirt at a Mexican restaurant and how Urban Dictionary didn’t have it; on Urban Dictionary.
That waitress wore the strangest shirt that said “I Know Joe.”