What does I.L.F.Y.A.I.T.G.R.S.T.W.Y.W.I.M.C mean?
I.L.F.Y.A.I.T.G.R.S.T.W.Y.W.I.M.C is lyrics from a song by Queen called Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy.
" I'd like for you and I to go romancing, Say the word your wish is my command."
I.L.F.Y.A.I.T.G.R.S.T.W.Y.W.I.M.C is lyrics from a song by Queen called Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy.
" I'd like for you and I to go romancing, Say the word your wish is my command."
" I'd like for you and I to go romancing, Say the word your wish is my command." - ILFYAITGRSTWYWIMC
ilfyaitgrstwywimc is an acronym. It means: "I'd like for you and I to go romancing, say the word. Your wish is my command." Which are known as lyrics from the song Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen.
Person 1: "what should i text them instead of ily? it's just soo overused!"
Person 2: "Oh just say ilfyaitgrstwywimc instead."
Person 2: "Oh just say ilfyaitgrstwywimc instead."