

俚语 iliana's


A beautiful girl with bright eyes that light up a room, and gorgeous hair that always smells like strawberry shampoo. Her height is perfect for her personality, and her style is aesthetic. She is headstrong but also very kind and loud. She isn't afraid to do what she thinks is right, and will always give good advice. She is an amazing friend who always has your back and can always be trusted. Her emotions can change as fast as one can blink, and she loves to love.
"Wow Iliana is so amazing, I want to be her friend"
"Wow Iliana is gorgeous"


Iliana, the most beautiful girl that you will ever meet. Her eyes sparkle, and though she doesn't see it everyone around her does. She is caring enough to take care of you more than she takes care of herself. Whenever she is sweet she will make your heart melt. Iliana can be shy, but if you get to know her she can be very talkative. She can be tired most of the time also, but thanks to her addiction to sweets she can be very hyper at times as well. She has the prettiest smile ever and is always there to help a friend in need. Overall Iliana is amazing to be around.
Random Person: Hey Iliana

Iliana: (Would respond quietly)

Iliana's Friend: Hey Iliana

Iliana: Hey!


A woman who is tough on the outside, but soft and gooey on the inside. She's sweet as peaches, and hotter than all your moms combined. She's sassy, smoking, sexy and incredibly gorgeous. You have no choice but to fall in love with her, sooner or later. Also has a nice and comfortable bosom.
One minute she was calm and demure, then the next she was all Iliana! Like Hulk.


She a very funny person she hides her emotions very well forexampel she said shes fine dont belive it cause in all reality shes broken on the inside,she most likely to be hispanic or in some type of hispanic culture its very rare to find an iliana. Iliana has a smile that lights up the room and dont take shit from nobody. She gets into trouble alot but thats funny part about her she like makeing new friends where ever she goes. She is happy on the outside but when she alone shes broken and scared you never know what she might do. She might have enimes but sge still reapect them as if they are her older siblings and if your her feiend consider yourself as luck as ever she dosnt get to close to people to pertect herself.she is what people called bold she dont give to fucks on how you feel she can make you feel special in your own ways. She will. Walk up to you and ask you if you wanna be friends 😂😂😂
Iliana: can we be friends
People: hey sure


One of the best females you can ever find. She is sassy, beautiful, has a beautiful body and a big butt. She is one of those girls that are hard to get with. She doesn’t care about what anybody has to say
Iliana is really pretty o m g


The best friend you could ever get!
Trustworthy, smart, kind, and most of all funny. Maybe a little perverted but not a total dealbreaker. Really hot too!
Guy1: did you just see that girl?
Guy2: yeah, that's Iliana, she's awesome!


She's an amazing girl, better than you. She loves her best friend and is usually surrounded by a lot of people but only wants to be with her best friend. Iliana means: i- incredible l-loveable I- intelligent a- amazing n- not your best friend a- anxious
Guy 1- Who's that ?
Girl 2- That cool girl Iliana

Guy 2- If she's cool how come we dont know her

Girl 1- Because you're not cool




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:47:40