

俚语 ilja


Ilja is soooooo cool and he gets all the girls.
He has big PP and cool style!
Ilja? Oh yeah he’s super HOT!


The kind of guy who constantly gets his name misspelled, he cared at first but then just gave up and accepted it. He is often gets called Mrs. when he's at the doctor because his name sounds feminine, again, he cared at first, now he just doesn't give a feck. His sense of humour might me sickening to others, but people who have the same type will most likely enjoy his company. He cares for others, sometimes to much for his own good. He has a big fear of rejection and often sits at home playing Minecraft all day, hoping that one day his life is gonna go full on 180°, but it's not gonna. All in all a nice guy, a little depressed at times, but a good joke can cheer him up a little.
A:Soo... Your name is Ilya
B: No it's Ilja, I L J A.
A: Okay, we'll be right at you, please sit down for a little bit

-15min later-

A: Mrs. Ilja please come to room 2
B: Aight


People named Ilja are definetily unbelievably smart, cool, awesome and have a great sense of humor. They tend to be great friends and fangirls, and they are also extremely handsome and sexy and all of the guys will instantly fall for the hotness of Ilja. If you know anyone whose name is Ilja, you are really lucky and blessed. Everything Ilja touches will change into pure awesomeness.
Person 1: Hey, did you see Ilja? I'm so jealous of her being so smart, awesome and perfect!
Person 2: Ilja is my best friend, she's so nice and funny!


People named Ilja are very smart and tend to have a small penis. I know from experience
Yo did you hear about Ilja?
He he has a small penis


Dirty Ilja

A girl that chokes herself for fun, makes videos of it and sends it to people.
Did you also get her video?

Yes, she's such a dirty Ilja.


A very hot guy from Holland. He likes ghosting hot girls and walking around with the same pink swimming costume everyday. Lowkey a bad boy. Likes eating salads and giving water and succo alla frutta to hot girls.
Oh, look, there is the olandese. What sis his name?
He is Ilja. And stop giving me gomitate on the costole. You are hurting me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:52:38