

俚语 illusionist’s game

illusionist’s game

An approach where an individual makes up and or exaggerates stories to try to conceal what really happened at specific events and or to try to glorify themselves, in order to portray the situation in a way that works in their favor. People often do this to improve their reputation, attack their enemies, and push people to support their goals. This approach is often unethical as it falsely portrays what happened at certain events and who you really are. It is also quite risky to the individual using this approach, because if people find out what really happened, they will stop believing the stories told by the individual, which reduces their credibility and trustworthiness.
Ventis: I heard that Donny supposed got attacked by five guys, but defeated them all without suffering a scratch.
Henry: Yeah right. A guy with no self defense training and a boat load of arrogance at all defeated five guys without suffering any injuries. He is lying through his teeth.

Emma: Based on what I know about him there is no way in ninety years he could pull that off. He is playing an illusionist’s game, in order to improve his reputation.

Henry: I agree with you there.
Ventis: I agree with both of you. He can't be trusted to tell the truth about what really happened.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:21:08