

俚语 ilyssa


Girls with the name Ilyssa are smart funny and truly unique. They are fun loving and are great to be around. If you know someone named Ilyssa being there friend is a great choice. Also, they tend to be great listeners and help you alot.
Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: Thats Ilyssa.
Person 1: Is she nice?
Person 2: No, she's more than nice


A girl that works in the coles deli. Pretty fuckin' awesome. Especially when you take into account that she has "ILY" in her name! FUCK YEAH.
"Oh man, I got a shift tonight... That's okay though cause it's with Ilyssa! :D"


Ilyssa is the best person you can ever meet i mean come she has ily in her name wow. She is super pretty and has a great smile and if she has dimples thats even better.She only wants real friends like people she can trust. She is vey loving and if you get a chance with her try not to ruin it she is a very hard decider on who she picks and if she choses you just know you are special.She is very good to be around and will keep you company. She is a very good hugger.
Is that Ilyssa wow isnt she lovely.




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