

俚语 imgur


A website that was once a gathering place for fun and friendly memes which was completely ruined by botted accounts dedicated to pushing left-wing/leftist political propaganda to the front page for the young user base to see and hopefully indoctrinate. Providing any actual evidence that goes against the hivemind results in being immediately downvoted and banned despite the reason simply having an opinion they don't like regardless of you're evidence against their narrative. The political bot accounts use each others memes and recycle them with small changes and intentionally leave out key facts to push lies and to push the idea that fact checking them itself is an act of evil. Without any actual moderation to stop this, it's become a dystopian nightmare. Almost as if John Oliver himself became a website.
Imgur: Funny cute cat video.
Imgur: Sob Story.
Imgur: Cool trick video.


A pathetic website used by neckbeard liberals, also known as "Imgurians" as a twisted form of social media. Mostly you'll just find shitty low-intellect political memes, cat pictures, and softcore porn. If you post literally anything that is not one of those three things or don't have the meaningless "Glorious" status the Imgurians will downvote everything you post and all comments you make for no reason. They'll also leave really unnecessarily rude and unconstructive comments on your photos even if they no idea of the context of why you posted it. Usually the Imgurians will band together and upvote said comments viciously. The mobile app for this website is generally considered fucking garbage since Imgur attempted to convert it into a corrupt form of social media for social outcasts to look at other people's random pictures and it barely functions properly.
Person 1: Hey dude, you should check out this website called Imgur, it's so awesome! There's tons of memes and cool pictures on there!

Person 2: Um sir aren't you the guy on that wanted sex offender poster?


Imgur is a 'murican-centered website where people post sob and personal stories to get attention and "fake internet points" from strangers. The more upvotes (fake internet points) you obtain, the more reputation you gain. If you try to speak out of the box, they will downvote you because free-thinkers are not welcome. Also: if your lifestyle and your point of view about the entire world is different from the american ones, you will be downvoted.

The last trend consists in uploading cats and dogs pics: everyday the most viral images are about animals.
- imgur user a: "I have to do 4 works to mantain my thousand horses powered car but i don't care if it ruins the enviroment" (100 upvotes)
- user b: "maybe you should try to give it away so you will only have to do 1 job" (100 downvotes)


A website where you post images. A good idea at first glance, but the community is not good. Every post has to relate to them or they will down-vote you and every post/comment you have written. Its a place where crotchety old hipster art critics who have won at least 20 internet arguments go to bash whatever reddit and 4chan bashed last week. Originally a website to host photos for reddit, it has since developed its own community that is best described as a deer watching humans interact for 15 muinites and trying to copy them. The deer is Imgur and the people are 4chan and reddit. Also, the deer is passive aggressive and socially inept and cant accept that they live with their 2 parents at home. Go at your own risk to the place that is like 9gag, but not exactly facebook.
Person 1: Hey do you go onto imgur?
Person 2: Yeah, i guess it was ok.
Person 1: Yeah as long as you look at the pictures and dont pay much attention to the commu-
Person 2: Is that Elsa fucking the snowman dude?
Person 1: Ignore that, thats posted every other week, anyways, just ignore the community and its fine.


A website that displays a range of images that contain memes, cats, dogs, stupid people, political statements, and general asshatery. Acts as a haven for middle-aged, single women obsessed with cats and other "cute" animals; wannabe political activists; and is one giant self-perpetuating circle jerk.

Tries to differentiate itself from Reddit, but no one really cares.
Did you see the new images on Imgur? They're all cat reposts from last month!


Imgur is a semi-popular internet picture sharing site. The userhood of Imgur is considered much more emotional and understanding than most of the internet, though sometimes people tend to go there and get "karma points" by sharing a pic and claiming they have adopted an abandoned animal or something. Usually Imgur is full of pictures of cute animals, memes, and sometimes you can actually see funny pictures too. Imgur is often used as the photobase of pictures on Reddit.
Imgur is a good place to find pictures of cute animals.


Like Reddit, but full of idiots. The comments section on any picture is disturbingly similar to the comments section on an /r/circlejerk post. Instead of having meaningful discussions like Reddit, they spend all day looking at cats, reading sob stories that are obviously bullshit, posting selfies, and posting albums about how much of an asshole their boyfriend was today, comprised entirely of irrelevant Disney gifs. Again, these stories are obviously bullshit.

The comments section is a mess. Imgur is similar to Reddit in that they downvote any opinion that does not agree with their own. As such, most of the top comments are something along the lines of "+1, I laughed!", "+1 for Game of Thrones/funny word that you used in the post everyone else read!", "I genuinely chortled (a word imgur loves to use) out loud, good sir/madam, have my upvote!", "To the front page with you!" and much, much more. A good amount of posts on imgur are reposts, and most of the comments are.

User sub:

Imgur was created to host Reddit's pictures, but later someone decided to give it it's own community that can post their own pictures. User sub was born: A shithole that most of the sob stories/selfies/disney gif stories/Tom Hiddleston fangirl posts come from. People that browse it like to think they're special because of it, but they're not.

In short, it's a horrible site with horrible people and the only reason I still go there is when I want to see pictures from Reddit.

Stick to Reddit.
"Have my upvote, I laughed! +1!"

- A typical Imgur comment.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:48:42