

俚语 im not gay

im not gay

The phrase most often spoken right before someone says some gay shit.
Im not gay, but if i was I'd fuck that guy.

im not gay

"guys im not gay" is exactly what a Gay person would say.
"guys im not gay. I'm- I'M NOT GAY!"
Source: Search "Guy's I'm not gay" on Youtube.

Im not gay seat

A seat at a movie theater located directly between two homophobic straight males who are attending the film together.
"This theater wouldn't be so crowded if there weren't so many 'Im not gay seats' being taken! GAWD"

"im not gay" hug

When two men, having a mutual respect for each other, give one another a hug and pat on the back, usually, three times in rapid succession. "pat... pat... pat" which translates to "im... not... gay"
I hadn't seen my friend in so long i hugged him, but i didn't want to seem gay so i have him the "Im not gay" hug.


A WORD USED WHEN you tell your mom your not gay
"TRUST ME MOM IM NOT GAY UGH YOU NEVER BELIVE ME!" this phrase shows you are telling your mom you are not homosexual. Im not gay mom means you are telling your mom that you are not homosexual.

Im not gay but a shiny is a shiny

Youre a straight man who is willing to do sexual favors for shiny pokemon from pokemon go.

Dino b
Oh you have a shiny pokemon? Nice im not gay but a shiny is a shiny.

im gay

male: ur im gay?
the guy that says yeah: yeah
male: real




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