

俚语 300 whore

300 Whore

a person who, after watching a highly promoted movie such as 300, and goes about ranting and raving about how wonderfully great it is, and will never stop talking about it for the next 2 weeks
Person #1: WOW! Did you see the new movie 300 that came out!
Person #2: Yeah! It was awesome!
By Stander: Hey, maybe I'll go to see that.

(1 or 2 weeks later)

Person #1: WOW! Did you see the new movie 300 that came out! (explains plot in massive detail)
Person #2: Yeah! It was awesome! (continues to talk about plot in massive detail)
By Stander: STFU YOU 300 WHORE!!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:02:04