Someone who is impostersexual are sexually attracted to sussy imposters. AKA. "Bakas"
Person 1: "OMG are you the imposter?"
Person 2: "How did you know!?"
Person 1: "I am not gonna press the emergency meeting button my baka ;)"
Person 2: "Why? You know im the imposter!"
Person 1: "Well, im impostersexual so i kinda wanna sleep with you right now."
Person 2: "OMG papi i love you too"
*Person 1 and 2 kisses and sexes*
Person 2: "How did you know!?"
Person 1: "I am not gonna press the emergency meeting button my baka ;)"
Person 2: "Why? You know im the imposter!"
Person 1: "Well, im impostersexual so i kinda wanna sleep with you right now."
Person 2: "OMG papi i love you too"
*Person 1 and 2 kisses and sexes*