

俚语 incline dick-down

Incline Dick-Down

When during intense, riveting coitus, one places their feet up against a nearby wall and inclines their raging penis inside their partner - who’s in a face down position. Ideal for maximum penetration and makes a great party trick.
Kendrick: “Hey Laura, did you and Alex hook up last night?”
Laura: “Yeah, it was incredible. He did this crazy thing where he pressed his feet high against the wall and drilled down into my tight ass pussy!”

Kendrick: “Oh, you mean an Incline Dick-Down? Yeah I love doing that.”

“I IDD’d that pussy last night.”

Ozwald: “Hey Marge, wanna spice things up with an Incline Dick-Down tonight?”
Marge: “Fuck YES, my tight little fire kitten is ready to get IDD’d!!!”
Marge: “One moment as I finish this game of bingo, honey. Don’t forget to take out your dentures before you devistate this pussy with your Incline Dick-Down. :)”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:46:13