

俚语 indian fire

indian fire

small fire using minimal fuels to fulfill the fires purpose
I don't want to get more wood, so only build an Indian fire

Indian Fire Trick

The act of pouring gasoline onto a campfire to make a large fire. Be sure to be cautious to not let the fire go up the gasoline stream and into the can.
Matt Stone: "We did the Indian Fire Trick and almost burned down Colorado. "

Indian Fire Drill

Almost the same as the Chinese Fire Drill, except when the people get out, the vehicle is still moving.
Guy 1: Man, I'm so sore from that last Indian Fire Drill.
Guy 2: Yeah. You totally ate shit on that one.

indian fire alarm

After sex on the beach, the alarm sounds the next day at about 4pm when you realize your dick is as red as an indian.
Person 1: Dude, last night was amazing. 4 chicks on the beach and i don't even have to buy them dinner, too bad for this indian fire alarm.
Person 2: Was it worth it?
Person 1: Fuck yea, just gonna jerk off with some aloe for a while.




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