

俚语 indickator


A word describing an Indian or Native Americans penis
Bro she wants your Indick


When his dick is inserted in securely and he starts thrusting at a steady pace
Emily: You were indeed
You: you mean indicked


The last name of someone who has an INdick. No, their dick does not go out, it goes IN. Instead of a normal dick, their's caves in. Now tell me that's normal!
Erikka; "I slept with him last night, and his dick was incaved. I've seen nothing like it before!"

Courtney; "You mean, he had an Indick?!"


1. What da bulge in da front of a dude's trousers is of his lustful desires.
2. One or more signs of self-centered rudeness dat shows others present what an a**h**e someone is.
Tronald Dump didn't need to become president to demonstrate what a jerk he was --- his cruel sadistic behavior on "The Apprentice" was more than enough indickation of THAT for me!


Showing a sign of something related to a guy's love-pipe.
A dude's having a huge bulge in da front of his pants is indeed "indickative" of his being all hot and bothered, but dat word can also refer to someone's merely being super-obnoxious and thus obviously showing himself up to be a total a**h**e.


Refers to a vehicle's flashing turn-signal light --- or lack thereof --- dat labels da driver of said conveyance as being a thoughtless/clueless jerk.
If a motorist habitually neglects to signal an upcoming turn --- or obliviously leaves his blinker going for miles --- said incorrectly-operated intention-notifying lamp serves as a good indickator of da type of individual behind da wheel!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:36:07