

俚语 indilliath


A sword that has a gem in it's hilt named with its status in this order; short diamond indilliath, midsized sapphire indilliath, long emerald indilliath. As well, if an indilliath has multiple gems, if vertical name in order from top to bottom, if horizontal name left to right. When naming with multiple gems name in a single word; rubphire (ruby-sapphire) and this is the rule:

1= if first

2= if middle
3= if last

Ruby:Rub, ub, uby
Sapphire: Sapph, ir, apphire
Emerald: Emer, er, erald
Diamond: Diam amon, ond
Pearl: Pearl, earl, earl
Aquamarine: Aquam, amar, arine
Amethyst: Ameth, eth, yst
Opal: Opal, opal, opal
Garnet: Garn, arn, arnet
Gold: Gol, ol, old
Silver: Silv, ilv, ilver
Bronze: Bronz, onz, onze
Mithril: Mith, ithr, ithril
Orihalcon: Orihal, ihal, ihalcon

and many more along the same lines as long as the first ends in a constanant, the middle begins with a vowel and ends in constanants, and last begins with a vowel and finishes the gem or stone

Examples of multiples: Rubirerald, rubirond, rubirearl, rubirarine, rubiryst, rubiropal, rubirarnet, rubirold, rubirilver, rubirver, rubironze, rubirithril, rubirihalcon (ruby, sapphire, ( ))

Ruberald (Ruby Emerald)

Ruberamonetharine (Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Amethyst, Aquamarine)
Aragorn held a long Goletharnihalcon Indilliath




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