

俚语 indoor kid

Indoor Kid

Someone that enjoys doing things indoors, including video games, using the computer, or just watching TV. People usually think indoor kids are awkward or anti-social or out of shape but that in fact is not true. Indoor kids enjoy hanging out with others just indoors. Usually indoor kids start being indoor kids from a very young age.
A: Hey, man wanna go rock climbing?
B: Nah, lets play call of duty instead. You know im an indoor kid.

indoor kid

Someone who doesn't get out in the sun very often. Commonly seen transferring TI-83 calculator games to each other at lunch and communicating via PalmPilot, indoor kids have a tendancy to favor more lethargic activities including video games, coughpotatoeing, etc.
Hey, look at that lunch table. It's Schram and her cronies chatting with each other with their PalmPilots.




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