Inflation Day
On November 27th, they inflate the balloons, or they celebrate inflation, or that other inflation.
Hey, tomorrow's Inflation Day are you coming?
Belly inflation day
Belly inflation day is the day when you send your friend videos / images of belly inflation fetishes!
Sarah! Why did you send me a picture of James Charles stomach expanding.
Its belly inflation day Travis!
Its belly inflation day Travis!
Belly inflation day
Belly inflation day is the day when you send your friend videos / images of belly inflation fetishes! Inflation day is on September 4th
Sarah! Why did you send me a picture of James Charles stomach expanding.
Its belly inflation day Travis!
Its belly inflation day Travis!
National Inflatable Costume Day
May 14th: Dress up in an inflatable costume for a day!
"why are you wearing that"
"bro its national inflatable costume day!"
"bro its national inflatable costume day!"