

俚语 informationate


1) To wield your vast knowledge in such as way as to utterly pwn cocky, ignorant n00bs.
2) To give someone information to the point that is above and beyond what was expected, sometimes resulting in a response bordering a "War and Peace Novel".
3) A term coined by the members of a popular overclocking website in response to posts made by a member named TheInformationator.
Example #1:
N00B - "UR using a air heatsink? Watercooling pwns you all nubS! I got 40C Load! Suck it!"
TheInformationator - "To the contrary, the best aircoolers are actually just as efficient, if not more efficient than watercooling. This has to do with ambient temperatures and heat dissipation rates. If nothing more, they're less of a hassle. However, after modding my Big Typhoon, I get 38C Load, and that's after OCing my Opteron from 2.2Ghz to 2.8Ghz."

Example #2:
Newbie - "Isn't higher Ghz always better in a processor?"
TheInformationator - "Actually, while Ghz does play some ultimate role in the performance of a CPU, the operations that a CPU does per clock cycle also play a part. Thus, if a CPU does 9 operations per clock cycle at 1.0Ghz, it is comparable to a CPU doing 6 operations per clock cycle at 1.5Ghz. This is why, for a long time, AMD processors with lower clock rates than Intel processors still managed to have higher performance."

Example #3:
MemberOne: (Insert incorrect statement)
TheInformationator: (Insert informative post)
MemberTwo: "Informationated!"


The ability to get information from something or someone
Is the website informationable?
The cross-examination of the witness was very thorough, but he was not very informationable.


1. The use of information as a weapon.

2. Countering government propaganda.

3. Undermining Advertising.
1. Many people don't wish society to continue as it is, but, having no physical weapons or a desire to use them, resort to informationism to effect change.

2. It's good informationism to keep pointing out that there were no links between the former Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein and Al-Quaeda, or WMD in Iraq.

3. In a world where truth is defined by those who can afford to spend the most money to have their version of it advertised widely, we must rely on informationism to present a balanced view.


The act of being informed about something that nobody cares about, but with a suffix at the end to make it seem fancy.
I was not informationalized that there would be a test the next day, so I failed.


not a word, tho some idiots say it is
"informationable isn't a word"




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