Ingemar: Of Norwegian origin, also found in New Zealand, Commonly in Christchurch or Hamilton, an Ingemar can often be spotted on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night in a place commonly Known as " Town " doing a behavioral act known as " on the prowl " check it out by the pool table, Im going in . Much is known about the Ingemar species, Typically has brown colored hair and, roughly 6'2" in height. This species may be intimidating to some due to the shear size of this species, but Ingemar's are generally harmless unless armed with a wrx, a tron or a raarlet.
Also the species of Ingemar comes under the animal type of a mammal, more specifically a " Party Animal ". Its diet consists mainly of red bul & vodka, coke & vodka and copious amounts of beer.
Much is still yet to be learned about this creature.
Also the species of Ingemar comes under the animal type of a mammal, more specifically a " Party Animal ". Its diet consists mainly of red bul & vodka, coke & vodka and copious amounts of beer.
Much is still yet to be learned about this creature.
when an Iingemar is " on the prowl " check it out by the pool table, I'm going in
Ingemar Shütz
A nice Teacher
Ingemar Shütz is a nice teacher.