

俚语 in my bubble

you're in my bubble

Used by someone to mean that their personal space is being invaded.
Steve: Step back, you're in my bubble.
Adam: Sorry, bro. No homo.

burst my bubble

The act of someone who is downing your up or telling you that what you think is right is wrong
"I'm going to draw a picture with purple paint!" says Jerry. "We don't have any paint." says Mike. "Don't burst my bubble!" says Jerry. In this case Mike is make Jerry unhappy by telling him the opposite of what he wanted to hear.

Burst My Bubble

When somebody pokes your ass with a needle.
He burst my bubble with a needle.

boil my bubbles

when ur extremely pissed at someone and you want to be nice so you scream “you boil my bubbles”
“you son of a bitch u boil my bubbles”

Chew on my bubble gum

When one sucks on a Clitoris until it becomes a thick gooey wad like bubble gum.
I'm the type of girl you wanna chew on my bubble gum!

chew all of my bubble gum

When a girl tell you to eat her pussy; rasheeda says it in her song bubble gum
the type of girl u wanna chew all of my bubble gum

Don't pop my bubble wrap

A figure of speech used to express the feeling of not wanting ones fun to be ruined by another.
Man A:"Man, did you hear that girl? She called me hot! She wasn't too bad herself..."

Man B:"Dude, that was a guy dressed as a girl..."

Man A:"Don't pop my bubble wrap."




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