

俚语 in my facebook

In my Facebook

A variation of the expression, "In my book," usually used to show you have no prejudice.
Tommy: Dude, Billy came out the closet!! That's gross man! I can't believe it!
Jake: Yeah I heard. but he's still a good guy, though. I saw him walk an old woman across the street the other day. So he's still cool in my Facebook.

Sit on my Facebook

Phrase/term: the act of becoming a "Friend" or "Fan" of a person or entity on Facebook. A invitation/phrase used by Jib Slice to invite new Friends to his Facebook page.
Dude, become my "Friend" and I'll let ya sit on my Facebook.

all up in my facebook

When someone likes every status, post and anything you do on fb within 2 minutes of you doing it. They also initiate chat every time you log in. These people may make you not want to post things or be online, because you know they will not leave you alone.

This can be good, in the case of crushes or romantic interests; but can be freaking annoying by others.
Jane: " I think Alberto likes me.."
Denise: "Why do you think so?"
Jane: "He's been all up in my facebook lately."

Pedro: "Man, Kevin is always all up in my facebook, it's so annoying."
Pablo: "Yea, he is online 24/7"

Turn my FaceBook the other way

The act of constantly ignoring a "friend" request on facebook or other social networking sites. It can also be used when ignoring various requests by existing friends to add applications, join groups, support causes, accept kisses, hugs, or penis tugs.
Cathy my high school 'girlfriend' keeps sending me friend requests, but I just turn my facebook the other way.

Will you stop sending me those 'support the polar bears' cause requests!! Jeez, you know I will only turn my facebook the other way.

Please stop harassing my son on facebook

used by women who hate far left truth.
Stop or i will please stop harassing my son on facebook you
me: oh no! who asked!

Pissing all over my Facebook

Liking or commenting on everything you put on Facebook. Original by "Matt Harris"
She is pissing all over my Facebook, so I deleted her.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:17:28