v. in·nadj·i·cat·ed, in·nadj·i·cat·ing, in·nadj·i·cates
1. A gratuitous cuff across the face that is part of a larger shock and awe crusade. Care is given to the aesthetics of the slap. It is marked by an audible crack and a perceptible shifting of the recipients head. The hallmark is a handprint; not mandatory but desirable.
2. To cause stupefaction, stimulation, or excitement
1. A gratuitous cuff across the face that is part of a larger shock and awe crusade. Care is given to the aesthetics of the slap. It is marked by an audible crack and a perceptible shifting of the recipients head. The hallmark is a handprint; not mandatory but desirable.
2. To cause stupefaction, stimulation, or excitement
In a sentence; I in-nadjicated all over his face last night.