a combination of instigating and inciting, particularly in a fight or argument.
of course, the two are pretty much the same thing, but if you're insticiting, not only do you get the fighters revved up, but you also continue to egg them on as they feud. if you're trying to get people in trouble, or want someone to hurt someone for you, insticiting is for you!
of course, the two are pretty much the same thing, but if you're insticiting, not only do you get the fighters revved up, but you also continue to egg them on as they feud. if you're trying to get people in trouble, or want someone to hurt someone for you, insticiting is for you!
Laura and Shawna, too scared to handle their own problems, insticited a fight between two girls, although the two girls seemed to be friends. insticiting caused the battle to commence.