A way of writing a word (usually compound)that uses upper-case letters in the middle of the word.
High Tech Red Necks always interCap words inApropriatly.
A juvenile form of writing embraced by those less educated or pre-teen. Annoying to say the least. These people typically think gangs are cool and listen to nothing but rap. (One of the lowest forms of human kind, although a step above homeless)
Below is an intercap example.
wuZup evErYOne Heres A lIttLle abOUt Me fiRSt oF All I aM 19 aboUt 5'0 i cAnT sAy ThAT i LoOk gOOd ThAs YOuR pEoPlES OpInIoN BUt i Can SAy I hAvE A Fly PeRsoNaLiTy i Get AloNg WiTh EvEryBodY THat Treat me With ResPect Yall FeeL mE!. I m hISpaNiC w/DArk bRoWN HaIr And dArk brOwn eyEs Im ORiganiAlly FRom ThE EAst Side of SaN jo.
wuZup evErYOne Heres A lIttLle abOUt Me fiRSt oF All I aM 19 aboUt 5'0 i cAnT sAy ThAT i LoOk gOOd ThAs YOuR pEoPlES OpInIoN BUt i Can SAy I hAvE A Fly PeRsoNaLiTy i Get AloNg WiTh EvEryBodY THat Treat me With ResPect Yall FeeL mE!. I m hISpaNiC w/DArk bRoWN HaIr And dArk brOwn eyEs Im ORiganiAlly FRom ThE EAst Side of SaN jo.
A way of writing familar to computer programmers. Some high level computer languages do not understand spaces. Sometimes the underscore is used as a substitution or alternetivly Intercapping is used to join words.
This sometimes filters through to mainstream use in written communication.
This sometimes filters through to mainstream use in written communication.
Rem Underscoring
var_one random_Number = (1*16);
Rem InterCapping
varOne randomNumber = (1*16);
Rem Underscoring
var_one random_Number = (1*16);
Rem InterCapping
varOne randomNumber = (1*16);