

俚语 internester


Someone having set up cozy comfortable places for themself all over the internet, so you can always find them there day or night at anytime.
If you are online twenty four seven you may be an internester.


The concoon of blankets, pillows, duvets, and comfy things you gather around yourself to keep warm whilst spending long amounts of time on the internet.
1. Hey were's Jane tonight?
Oh she didn't want to leave her internest.

2. Tom knew that eating pizza in his internest was a bad idea, but it was just too warm and snuggly.


A cocoon of blankets and pillows you bury yourself in whilst spending long periods of time on the internet
even though her friends were going out, Sally would rather spend her weekend Internesting.


Two or more people crowding around a device finding something on the Internet really interesting, hence it is "internesting"
"Those kids have found something internesting"
"What are those people doing? Are they internesting?"


A cocoon of blankets and other debris you gather around yourself for extended periods of time on the internet.
Julie was watching Netflix in her Internest.


Interesting by the internet's standards.
Hey Bob, did you see 2girls1cup?
Yeah, it was rather internesting if I do say so myself.


Moving in with your significant other/partner.
Jane and Bill have been going out for a year now, and now they're planning on internesting.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:47:01