

俚语 internut


1. noun: World Wide Network of loons, religious nuts, wackos, crazies, degenerates, deviants, sex addicts, paranoid shut-ins, retired pole-dancers, tea party activists, dope smokers, hash-heads, meth-freaks, dim-wits, democrats, lawyers, convicts, war criminals and sex offenders.

2. noun: A denizen of that community.

3. noun: An orgasm achieved while watching Internet porn.
1. President Obama said something vague and misleading and the INTERNUT is really jumping tonight.

2. Look out for the INTERNUTs. You know they are out there.

3. I walked in on my room-mate having an INTERNUT. Awkward.


The phenomenon that occurs when someone becomes a badass when addressing others on a message board.

It is a common practice for the reticent, meek, and cowardly to make bold statements, on the internet, knowing there is no way to be held accountable.
The poster was getting badly flamed, so threatened to kick everyone's ass. His anger made his internuts grow.


an individual who spends at least 15 hours/day online in a leaky sub-basement
when we severed the wifi conection, strange sounds emitted from the sub-basement which we thought was uninhabited; upon investigation, we learned that it was the domain of the internut.


A Person of the Internet.
Charlie says, "Don't be such a Internut!"

Charlie's Evil Twin says, "Don't underestimate Internuts in large numbers!"


the act of surfing the internet for too long, in which the testicles get caught under your legs. After a while of sitting on them, without you realizing it, they will become numb, moist, and disgusting.
Alex was checking out sites, and when he got up to piss he realized he had a bad case of internuts.


the false bravado men get when online chatting with a woman ; the shy guy who becomes the apparent "player" but it's only when he's online.
"So he was in a chatroom telling this girl how how he wanted to do this and that to her, but that was just his 'internuts' talking. If he met her in person he'd cry."


(noun 1) Residue left on computers.

(noun/verb) What's busted while enjoying internet porn.
When you buy a computer off Craigslist, watch out for internut.

"There's internut all over this computer."

"Who internut on my laptop!"




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