

俚语 intertextion


(v.) The act of sharing a pillow. Can be used to define all general pillow sharing but is most often used to describe intimate or post-coital cuddling where physical closeness results in the partners sharing a pillow.
1. "How was the date last night."
"I'm not one to talk, but there was some serious intertextion going on."

2. "I slept really well, it must have been the intertextion"


A form of Transtextuality where the text cites another text, either by quotation, allusion or plagiarism.
"Any text is a new tissue of past citations. Bits of code, formulae, rhythmic models, fragments of social languages, etc., pass into the text and are redistributed within it, for there is always language before and around the text. Intertextuality, the condition of any text whatsoever, cannot, of course, be reduced to a problem of sources or influences; the intertext is a general field of anonymous formulae whose origin can scarcely ever be located; of unconscious or automatic quotations, given without quotation marks."

The example I just gave was itself an example of Intertext because it was quoted from "Theory of the Text."


Interupted by a text while talking to someone on the phone.

Dude why the hell did u just intertext me twice?




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