

俚语 in the club

in the club

gay slang for referring to a fellow homosexual.
"You can tell Steve is 'in the club' by all of the showtunes he has on his ipod."

in the club

Term for a person who still has their virginity?
"I think I'm going to hook up with the freshman hottie tonight."
"You've got no shot. She's still in the club."


The place where you take your eyes off your drink for 2 minutes drink it collapse and black out and then wake up in a bathtub with your kidneys on Ebay

Human Kidney

Starting Bid £10000


1. when women go out to dance in circles and men go out to hunt them

2. something done to seals
1. hey lets go out clubbing tonight

2. hey lets go out clubbing tonight


A favourite activity of the moronic majority, this involves being shunted like cattle into a converted warehouse... sadly not to be slaughtered, but to wear ridiculous trendy clothes, listen to crap eardrum-shattering music, try to pick up brainless members of the opposite sex, and generally stand around aimlessly in a desperate but pointless attempt to show how cool you are.
Wanna go clubbing tonight?


Clubs are generally worthless places to enter as well as a word to describe blunt weapons. Clubs are considered mankind's simplest weapons and are stereotypically associated with cavemen. These instruments are generally useful for handling drunks and chavs as well as bad musicians and medieval reenactors. They can be found almost anywhere.
Chuck Norris once had a mild headache after being smashed with a metal club.


A place for social gatherings, that plays the latest music and encourgaes dancing and drinking. It also encourages under-aged female jail bait to slip by the bouncer to be lusty eye candy for the 30 something males that attend.
Damn! is this a club? or an after school day-care program?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:08:03