

俚语 invisible condom

invisible condom

A product being developed at the Laval University in Quebec.
If it hits the markets, which is likely, it will be able to kill 99.9% of HIV and 90-100% of STDs.
This is a "female condom" which is actually a liquid, solidifying to a gel at body temperature (creating a protective film) and wearing off in approximately 2 hours.
Boy: "Yo baby, lets do it! I forgot protection, but no worries..."

Girl: "Sure if you want, I'll be right back." *Uses invisible condom gel, stays protected, doesn't get preggers*

Boy and Girl: *both happy*

invisible condom

This term is in fact used to describe a non-existant condom. It is meant to insult really dumb-ass girls who would believe that a guy actually has created this invisible condom which will prevent her from becoming the slut who got preggo (pregnant) in high school. ATTENTION: the invisible condom does not exist and can not stop the load!
"Stacy I'm pregnant?"
"How Shaneequa?"
"I don't know... Mitch put on his invisible condom"





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