A maltese slang word. An expression usually used to say that you're not willing to do something you do not like. It is sometimes also used randomly in a sentence in a way to show that you are swearing because of a mishap.
1) English "Would you wash up the plates for me, please?"
Maltese "Jimporta tahsilli il-platti jekk joghgbok?"
2)English "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to fix the computer"
Maltese "X'inti taghmel?"
"Qieghed inzabbab mal-kompjuter ghax mux qieghed jahdem"
Maltese "Jimporta tahsilli il-platti jekk joghgbok?"
2)English "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to fix the computer"
Maltese "X'inti taghmel?"
"Qieghed inzabbab mal-kompjuter ghax mux qieghed jahdem"