

俚语 irange


I tried looking up orange on ud but I misspelled it
- hey look there's an irange over there
-do you mean an orange?
-oh yeah, my bad


Irangely's are beautiful girls . they usually have a jackass boyfriend and has 3 best friends . Irangely has a back story that she wish she didn't. Irangely's are not sluts . They are helpful. They are very caring. They usually get mad at the smallest things because that's how they were raised . They are good at school also very smart . They cry a lot because their very sensitive. They've been through a lot . They are very a
strong for their age . They want to help others the way that they wished that could have gotten in the future .
irangely will be a romodel




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:24:14