

俚语 iron confederacy

Iron confederacy

The Iron Confederacy or Iron Confederation (also known as Cree-Assiniboine in English or Nehiyaw-Pwat in Cree) was a political and military alliance of Plains Indians of what is now Western Canada and the northern United States. This confederacy included various individual bands that formed political, hunting, and military alliances in defense against common enemies.1 The ethnic groups that made up the Confederacy were the branches of the Cree that moved onto the Great Plains around 1740 (the southern half of this movement eventually became the "Plains Cree" and the northern half the "Woods Cree"), the Saulteaux (Plains Ojibwa), the Nakoda or Stoney people also called Pwat or Assiniboine,2 and the Métis and Haudenosaunee (who had come west with the fur trade). The Confederacy rose to predominance on the northern Plains during the height of the North American fur trade when they operated as middlemen controlling the flow of European goods, particularly guns and ammunition, to other Indigenous nations (the "Indian Trade"), The Blackfoot secrets are now declassified But Only the Holy Okie knows the stories of Benjamin Franklin Buck his Grandfather as told to him by his Mother Mary Mae Buck.
1972 Bob was age 9 Mary was 67
Christ Bob: Mammaw who is your Godfather?
Mary Mae: My Godfather is Frank Buck a full Blackfoot Indian who walked the trail of tears. He knew legalese and spoke the white man's language and secured guns and ammo for the plains tribes. He had to work secretly because trading with the savages was frowned upon by the whites and he was considered a traitor by the white settlers. He walked armed with only the swords of his mouth, a Bible, and an old Stradivarius violin. He was Black as coal and I am white so it looked suspicious after my mother was gone. I am their only child. I married your grandfather Sam A. McKinney when I was 15 years old and we raised three boys and three girls to adults. A 7th child died at 6 weeks named Sandra Kay whose name and spirit were given to your Sister. The Iron confederacy is not classified anymore. The family members whose lives were endangered if they were exposed have moved to the Blackberry Plantation and begin their afterlives. A Native secret is a forbidden topic and punished much more harshly than in white man's statutory law. Certain People have to pass into the spirit world before native secrets are declassified.

Secret Family history is stored in the spirits of Blackberry pickers living all around the world.

Someday you will also be declassified and many spirits will speak through you if you are patient and trustworthy.

Christ Bob: The secrets are safe with me. I love you Mammaw.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:46:17