

俚语 irrational hatred

irrational hatred

An uncompromising and severe dislike maintained by an individual that is incomprehensible even to the one who maintains it.
Individual One: "Hey did you see that Clay Aiken is having his own Christmas special. That’s going to suck."
Jim: "I f-ing hate Clay Aiken!"
Individual One: "Yeah he sucks, but whatever lots of people seem to like his music."
Jim: "No. I f-ing hate Clay Aiken!!! Just look at his picture, he's so...aha!! I f-ing HATE him!!!"
Individual One: "Ok Jim calm down. I mean you don't even know the guy. Maybe its just an act he puts on to sell music."
Jim: "No you can just tell, he sucks. He would suck even if he wasn’t famous. I HATE that guy, just look at him. Look at him, aha...I HATE Clay Aiken!!!"
Individual One: "Wow, what about Clay pisses you off so much?"
Jim: "Just look at him...I f-ing HATE CLAY AIKEN!!!!"

irrational hatred

an intense feeling of opposition against an object for which there is no rational explanation
Justin has an irrational hatred against Quizno's; John has an irrational hatred against chain restaurants.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:22:20