To die as a direct result of doing something that one loves.
In honor of the late and great Steve Irwin.
In honor of the late and great Steve Irwin.
Dude, did you hear about that stunt pilot? He was totally irwined! He was performing a Reverse-700-Pinwheel-Corkscrew when he flew into a migrating flock of Canadian Geese and exploded! What a way to go, eh?
To be stabbed in the heart <3
I IRWINED mikey with my hand.
Named after steve irwin.To be seriously injured or die in a dangerous job for tv whoredom.
Roger Hammond has been IRWINED.
To get sung by a stingray
Anna was Irwined last night when we went Skinny Dipping.
The belief that Steve Irwin was the recent reincarnation of the the great lord Irwin the creator of all good in the world. Steve Irwin was the crusader against the evil Gators and that soon a new lord Irwin will rise to fight against the evil Gators who are the creator of all evils.
Wow Irwinism is such a great religion
Irwin is tha realist thug in tha world and a loaded cunt.
bro did you see irwin cap a few cunts.
Irwin a very smart person and makes subtle signs to show what he wants and is very kind
Hey can I speak to you irwin