

俚语 ishbel


A lovely girl who is extremely smart and almost always right. An Ishbel is someone you want to be friends with. She is a great best friend, and is loved by everyone.
Guy 1: wow who's the new girl?
Girl 1: I don't know, but apparently she's really smart.
Guy 2: She's definitely an Ishbel.


A woman of the night.
Sometimes known as 'the virgin stealer' she attracts many men with her short skirts and/or batting eyelids.
These women are also very kind when they are not entoxicated with alcohol.
Hey dude! That girl is with your friend Dave!
She's such an Ishbel!


A bubbly girl, usually quite sporty always seen with her friends usually blonde. Clever and quick-witted, she will always have u in stitches
Guy1:That blonde girl's so funny, what do u think her name is?

Guy2: Ishbel.


Ishbelle's are always kind, they are friends with mostly everyone. Although it doesn't look like it, there's usually a lot going on in her life all the time, whether it's a good thing or a bad, she'll always find time for her friends and family, they're honestly the only things she cares about. Ishbelles love music and always enjoy a good karaoke night, they love being centre of attention and sometimes rebels against people. Although she doesn't mean it, she always finds herself in the middle of a love triangle, the guy always falls for her even though she is the bridge. Every time this happens and because of this, she has lost many friends which she regrets. She cries most nights hoping everything will be ok but whenever she is exposed to people she always pretends to have a smile on her face, she's always there for people even though it's killing her inside and gives them advice. Overall she's great to be around and her loyalty to you will never let down, if you have an Ishbelle as a friend you're very lucky as there aren't many in the world
Oh she is definitely an Ishbelle




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:11:18