

俚语 isketch's


Isketch is an online game that emerged sometime around the 21st century. A user enters a room and illustrates a word that other users have to guess. When a user guesses the word that is supposed to be illustrated they are awarded points, whoever has the most points at the end of the round wins. You cannot register your name on isketch even though it asks you for a password to login, so there is nothing stopping any user from taking another user's name. Often users will include genetalia in their illustrations. Some cultures find the genetalia extremely offensive, as a result isketch patrons are often restricted from playing isketch as a result of expressing their admiration of genetalia in their illustrations. One can play isketch on the internet at the following url: http://www.isketch.net
Ihavefun is now drawing

(Ihavefun illustrates a naked man wearing slippers for the word slipper)


isketchguy: chill out, penises are beautiful, they symbolize life, pleasure, and creation, and without penises you wouldn't exist, it's understandable why one would feel compelled to include one in their illustration

(Ihavefun has been permanently banned by BigJerk: MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL)


Multi-user Shockwave game based on the priciples of Pictionary where players guess words drawn by other players and take turns to draw themselves.

Largely player-moderated, with a team of admins appointed by the site owner to weed out people who abuse the site and other players.
Words range from easy, such as 'tree', to difficult, like 'Jabberwocky'

iSketch is a brilliant game


A game where people get banned for drawing an erect penis and/or any genitalia
connecting to isketch...

Player 1 enters room

Player 1 turn to draw

*Player 1 draws a penis*

Message: Administrator has banned you for immature penis drawings

Player 1 says: I did it for the lulz


a game that is like online pictionary created by rob that can be found at www.isketch.net
d00d i got an isketch winning score


A site similar to Pictionary but online in which you draw pictures and guess the word while competing with 9 other people to get the most points.

a) The drawing portion.

b) Also home to some "interesting" chat rooms in which old men try to cyber lil girls.
1. Dude guys, lets go to iSketch, I'm bored.

a) I love iSketch, I totally beat everyone that round. "I sketch like a pro."

b) I get hot young gf on iSketch. I horny man. I sketchy.


website featuring a game similar to that of pictionary. commonly used as chat rooms....
hey d00d meet me on isketch!1!1


An online game resembling pictionary that used to be a fun and exciting game for all until power-hungry, cock-sucking admins started banning people for no good reason, simply because they can. These are the people that have no lives and wish to do nothing but play isketch - Catholic schoolgirl version.
isketch Player 1: *uses letter/draws penis*

JESTER: *bans Player 1*

Players 2-10: "hey JESTER, relax, its just a game!"

JESTER: *bans Players 2-10"

JESTER: mwahaha, I have banned everyone... now what do I do...



JESTER: *announces himself as God to all"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:33:16