

俚语 islamization


Mythological force by which countries with huge amounts of Middle Eastern immigrants become more like the Middle East, which involves somehow mass converting the indigenous population to Islam, and magically changing all the "glorious" western architecture into mosques and minarets. The idea of Islamization is used by nationalist, or more appropriately, Nazi, groups in order to pass xenophobic legislation. Never mind that natives who converted to Islam would barely be touched, if at all, by such policies, which goes to show that "Islamization" is actually used as a grounds to actually attack Arabs. The rightists who constantly shout Islamization are also under the falsehood that all Muslims have the same culture, which is absurd considering that Islam spans from Morocco to Indonesia, and from India to southern Russia. Ironically, the European Islamophobes almost always overlook the process of Americanization, which actually has been effective in transforming Europe and erasing alot of the indigenous culture. 
Guy walks into a 7-11 and sees a Middle Eastern cashier.



Islamism is an authoritarian political ideology that seeks to impose Islam on society. Thus, it is a form of theocracy. Whilst this definition is valid for the imposition of any form of Islam on society, almost all Islamists adhere to ultra-conservative beliefs such as those of Wahhabi Saudi Arabia.

The intellectual godfather of Islamism is Hassan al-Banna, who founded the Muslim Brotherhood. In effect, he transferred the fascist concept of the 'state' or 'super state' and imposed it upon the Islamic religion. This is why some describe Islamism as a form of Fascism. al-Banna was a known admirer of European Fascists such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Jihadism is the use of violence to achieve Islamism.
Isis is an Islamist group, so are the Muslim Brotherhood and Hiz-but Tahrir.
The MB is a non-violent group in Egypt, but its members are fighting alongside Al-Qaeda in Syria.
Why is it that "Anti-Fascists" are apologists for Islamism?


Islam is one religion that is monotheistic, meaning they belive in one god, Allah. Dispite common beliefs, Allah is the same god as the one as Christianity and Judaism. Their prophet is Muhammad.
Islam is just another religion, and not all if them are terrorists.


The religion of peace. It’s followers are called Muslims where they believe there is only one god worthy to be worshiped called “Allah”. They also believe greatly in the last and final messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to guide mankind to the correct path. :)
I am a Muslim, I follow the religion of Islam.


Islam is the religion of the Quran and people that follow Islam are called Muslims

Islam means Peace.

Islam is the key to happiness and Allah is our only lord.
Islam means Peace
Islam is Peace


A monotheistic Abrahamic religion, common in the middle east, founded by the supposed prophet Muhammed and worshipping the deity Allah. According to the religion, "God is One." It is descended from Ishmael (As opposed to Judaism and Christianity, which descended from Isaac.) Adherents (Which are called "Muslims") believe that Biblical figures such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were prophets of Allah. Another prophet, reffered to as Muhammed, appears only in the Qu'ran (one of the muslim holy books). There are three other associated holy books, the Torah, the Zabur, and the Injil (Gospel.)
Islam is the religion associated with most -stan countries.


A very misunderstood religion. The people who truly follow the beliefs of Islam are called Muslims. Many people are so-called Muslims in today's society and want to ruin the religion. Islam actually teaches people to be kind, respect god's message, and to be a good human. All the stuff the media shows is a lie. Muslims are taught to read the Quran, the holy book, which is similar to the Bible and Torah. The prophet of Islam is Muhammad (PBUH). He came to the Arabs to teach them about god's words. True Muslims do not kill people for no reason. The media portrays them in a bad way. It is a monotheistic religion like Christianity and Judaism.
Islam teaches people about the words of god.




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