

俚语 archit


A cute little boy who is very naughty, but a perfect brother. Kind sweet and smart--Someone everybody would like as a friend/best friend.
Can I please please please be your friend Archit?


person who is perfect in each and every fucking thing aka the god
He seems to be op oh wait Hes archit the GOD


make style and design for a building or buildings with art and practice of planning and designing. (Verb)
This building archited Gothic style.

Le Corbusier archit modern buildings.

Aldo van Eyck archit European Space Centre.


He is a perfect bestfriend. Smart, Shy, Sweet and Kind-Hearted.
Has the capability of handling relations with everyone.

Loves talking to people and entertain anyone in anyway possible.
If you met an Archit then dont let him go as he can be a great change to your life.


A person who studies or practices both architecture and engineering. They not only have the mathematical and analytical skills of an engineer but the imagination and creativity of an architect. Above all, architeers know how to have fun.
DJ - "Do we have any architeers in the house?"
Select few in crowd - "YEAHHHH!!"

"RIBA - Rememeber I'm the bloody architeer"


A person who has a big dick, makes everybody laugh, always the centre of attraction, drinks a lot.
Basically he’s a sex god and a real life terminator. Girls are always fascinated by him and everybody wants to be in his circle. One of the most unknown fact about this guy is the capability of him lasting in bed, he can stand alone in the sexual act for hours and hours and wouldn’t even make a cry. The guy is an OG.
Oh my god! Look that guy has to be a Archit!


The guy who's high 24x7. Needs noddy drugs and stop giggling, u look like a serial killer. And learn other words than uwu and lmao.
Dude, are you a Archit wannabe?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:21:55