short for I'm Thinking of You
itoy in that sexy dress
itoy all day long
itoy in my arms
itoy when I masturbate
itoy all day long
itoy in my arms
itoy when I masturbate
akronym for I'm Thinking of you
itoy in bed with me.
I'm Thinking Of You in bed with me
I'm Thinking Of You in bed with me
You Annoy The Piss Outta Me
Cause DuckPuke Said So!
Cause DuckPuke Said So!
I'm Tired Of Your Shit bitch!!! bitch!!!
Kaspa's Itoy
Kaspa's Itoy is a bisaya name for a seasoning used to enhance the flavor of a dish. Sprinkle it over your meals; it naturally mixes in with a wide variety of foods and is well-known in Cebu.
Hmm the food is so good, i bet they put a bit of Kaspa's Itoy here.
The food is almost perfect, but don't forget about the missing ingredient: Kaspa's Itoy.
The food is almost perfect, but don't forget about the missing ingredient: Kaspa's Itoy.